I AM THE BLUES transports you to the Mississippi crossroads together with the last legends of the blues.

6/26: The ShowRoom
Asbury Park NJ
for more information
6/30: Media Arts Center
San Diego CA
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7/1: Alamo Drafthouse Sloans Lake
Denver CO
for more information
7/2: Hollywood Theatre
Portland OR
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7/7-11: Webster Univ Film Series
St. Louis MO
for more information
7/12: The Quad
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7/15-16: Kiggins Theater
Vancouver WA
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7/16: The Texas Theater
Dallas TX
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7/21: Liberty Theater
Camas WA
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7/21: Small Art House
York PA
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7/21: Lascaux Micro Theater
Buckhannon WV
for more information
7/21 & 27: Gene Siskel Film Center
Chicago IL
for more information
7/28: Studio Movie Grill Chatham
Chicago IL
for more information
7/28: Zeitgeist Art Center
New Orleans LA
for more information
7/28-30: Speed Art Museum
Louisville KY
for more information
8/2: Alamo Winchester
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8/11: The Screen
Santa Fe NM
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8/11-13: SIFF Uptown Cinema
Seattle WA
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8/11-13: Tallahassee Film Society
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8/11-20: The Ryder - Bloomington IN
(weekend shows)
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8/17-18: Cleveland Cinematheque
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8/18: Rialto Elmwood
Berkeley CA
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8/18: Rialto Sebastopol
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8/18-31: Kimball Theater
Williamsburg VA (weekend shows)
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8/21-24: Guild Cinema
Albuquerque NM
for more information
8/27 & 29: Austin Film Society
for more information